Here's the grass planting warrior working the soil and spreading potting soil on the surface. It's been so hot during the day that I put out halogen lights so I could work on it in the evening when it was only 80 degrees.

Once the soil was prepped Matt and Suzette really worked hard and made it all possible. We had 20 flats to plant with 72 plugs per flat, that's a whole bunch of plugs at 12 inches separation (for you people without a calculator handy, its 1440 plugs). We got an assembly line process going after a little practice. I measured and drilled the holes and watered them, Matt got the plugs out of the tray, dipped them in a root grow solution and dropped them on the holes and Suzette planted each plug.

And here is our finished product! I am so glad they are in the ground.

I fired up the sprinklers and everything is looking good. Of course my back is killing me. Lucky for me I have a cold corona with lime in the fridge calling my name. Waayyyne, Waayyne, please come drink me.
Gotta go, duty calls.